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Flightlines Submission Guidelines

Considering submitting an article for Flightlines?

Flightlines is Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum's in-house magazine, and is distributed (digitally) to all members free of charge. It is published six times per year, and strives to include articles, stories and news items representing all aspects of Canadian military aviation history from World War II to the Cold War, including profiles of Canadian aircraft and aviation figures, as well as news and events about Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum.

We welcome contributions both from CWHM members and people outside of the museum.

Typical story/article lengths can vary from 1000 words up to 4000 words.

Submissions should be submitted electronically, in Word Perfect (preferred) or Word. Text must be submitted in the English language (Canadian English) and double spaced.

The contributor is encouraged to submit publication quality images to accompany the story. CWHM reserves the right to supplement quality images for the story from the museum archives and files.

Graphics and photos are to be submitted electronically, and should be a minimum of 200 dpi in jpg format or tif format. Original graphics and photos can be submitted if digital copies are not available. We will return original photos and graphics after publication of the submission.

All contributions published with the author's name are the opinion of the author and does not necessarily reflect the opinions and policies of Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum.

Responsibility for accuracy rests solely with the author.

Accepted material will be reviewed by the Flightlines Editorial Board.

The editor will, if necessary, discuss possible revisions to the story with the contributor.

The Editorial Board will edit the submission to improve accuracy, readability and suitability for Flightlines readership.

The editor, together with the Editorial Board members will create the final publication quality text with grammar and punctuation changes as needed.

The contributor, if agreed, may be required to review the final draft before publication.

No remuneration is provided for any accepted submissions.

Please contact the Flightlines Editor at should you have any questions or article ideas.

© Canadian Warplane Heritage 2025