Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Arrive at least 45 minutes beforehand for flights in the Beechcraft Expeditor, Douglas Dakota, Noorduyn Norseman, de Havilland Canada Chipmunk, Fairchild Cornell, de Havilland Tiger Moth, Boeing Stearman, North American Harvard, Fairey Firefly, North American B-25 Mitchell and Consolidated Canso.

For a flight in the Avro Lancaster, arrive at least 1:15 hours beforehand. We recommend if you are travelling from a distance (eg. United Kingdom), try to stay in the area for at least 7 days just in case the flight needs to be rescheduled.

The minimum age required to fly in our aircraft is 12 years.
The maximum passenger weight limit is strictly limited to 200 lbs (90 kg) for the Tiger Moth and Chipmunk, 250 lbs (114 kg) for the Stearman, and 275 lbs (136 kg) for all other aircraft.

Occasionally, we need to cancel or reschedule flights due to the weather (visibility, rain, high winds) or for mechanical reasons. We will make every attempt to notify you in advance where possible. Sometimes weather conditions are different here so if in doubt, don't hesitate to call and ask.

Cameras are permitted on your flight provided they don't have a large lens. It is recommended that you attach your camera using a wrist strap.
Your membership includes 2 complimentary passes for Museum admission, so if you have a friend or two who want to watch you fly, bring them along. Regular admission rates apply to all others.
The temperature once the aircraft is airborne is only 5 or 6 degrees cooler than it is on the ground, so it is best to dress for the day’s temperatures. We recommend that you wear appropriate footwear (such as running shoes) as, depending on the aircraft, passengers must climb up on the wing or up a ladder to board.
Reminder emails will be sent out 2 weeks as well as 2 days before your flight. If you haven’t received a reminder email in this timeframe, please contact or 905-679-4183 x 236.

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© Canadian Warplane Heritage 2025