A Big 'Thank You' to all our Contributors

Contributions of over $20 will receive a charitable donation receipt for income tax purposes.

For further information on our Friends of Flight program or to submit an inscription, contact Lynn Begley, Donor Services Coordinator, at donate@warplane.com or 905-679-4183 ext. 238.

We recognize different levels of donations to our Friends of Flight program in the following manner:

Photo of a 'Bomber Aircraft Silhouette' Donor Panels

$2,000 - $4999 Donation
Your name, or the name of a loved one, is displayed on a bomber aircraft silhouette which is applied to the opaque panels on our impressive hangar doors. One set of doors feature current member’s or donor’s names and the other set is reserved for memorial inscriptions.

Photo of Wings of Bronze

$5,000+ Donation
Donors contributing $5,000 or more are recognized on our Donor Recognition that is located near the entrance to our main display hangar.

The Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum would like to thank all of our patrons for their continued support. Below is a list of names that are recognized on our Donor Recognition wall that is located near the entrance to our main display hangar.

Cornerstone Patron ($100,000+)

In Memory of William Thomas Beavin
Estate of Maria G.H. Berendsen
Dennis J. Bradley
Ron Clark
Lorne Francis Corley
Estate of Lawrence Anderson Edwards
In Memory of F/L Colin John Evans, 418 Mosquito Sqn
R. J. Franks
Estate of Shirley Laurena Grant and Gordon McLeod Grant
Harry Hope
David and Marilyn Ippolito
Jerry Janes
Alex J. Kaytor
In Memory of Henry Klimas
Les McInnis
Niall and Beena McLaughlin
Don McNall
Edward Arthur Regan
Ronald Rhodes
Estate of Hardy Bramwell Ridout
David and Sally Rohrer
Estate of Edith Helen Salkeld
Al and Beverley Shelley
Alan R. Topham

Air Canada
The Beamish Family
Marta and Owen Boris Foundation
Canada Aviation Museum (2010)
Government of Canada
Government of Ontario
Canadians Resident Abroad Inc.
Canso Investment Counsel Ltd.
Carmike Investments Inc., Mike and Carol Desnoyers
Cooley Group, Daniel O'Reilly
Dofasco Inc.
Grip Investments Ltd.
Hamilton-Wentworth Region
Kenneth M. Molson Foundation
Lysander Funds Ltd.
Ray Nissan Family Foundation
Province of Ontario
Provincial Industrial Roofing & Sheet Metal Co., David Uglow, Brad Smith
Ontario Trillium Foundation
Riverview Terrace (Brantford) Inc., Greg and Lesleigh Neid
RPW Associates Inc., Paul Whaley
Thomson-Gordon Group
Top Flt Inc.
Voortman Cookies Ltd.
The Woodbridge Group

Wings of Platinum ($50,000-$99,999)

In Memory of Donald V. Catton
Hank Dielwart
Keith Houston
Charles and Margaret Juravinski
Robert G. Kearns
Bruce MacRitchie
C. M. Brock Mason
McCabe Family, In Memory of P/O V.W. (Wally) McCabe 418 Sqn (Retired)
Gary McCann
Hartland de M. Molson
In memory of Alan Ness
Robert Quartermain
Group Captain J.W. Reid DFC
Stephen G. Roman
Dennis E. Souder
John G. Weir

Air Ontario
American Sensors/Interquest Inc.
Cineplex Entertainment
Township of Glanbrook
Roy C. Hill Charitable Foundation
Harry and Toby Jordan Foundation
The Molson Family Foundation
Porter Cable/Delta Machinery
RCAF Association
Stephen B. Roman Foundation
Jerry Van Dyke Travel
Westinghouse Canada Inc.

Wings of Gold ($25,000-$49,999)

In Memory of Dorothy Adams
Gaye and Drake Andrews
In Memory of Cyril "Cy" Armstrong
In Memory of Shirley Bedell
Douglas L. Bevans
Sidney H. Bonser
W. James Bullock
Janne Stirling Cappa and Luigi Benedetto Cappa
Architect Brian Chamberlain
Norman Etheridge
Brian Harrington
In Memory of Ray H. Healey
Robert R. Hill
William Hough
George W. Masters
Garry McAninch
Kirk Passmore
F/O R.E. Pomfret
In Memory of Donald G. Rice RCAF
In Memory of J. Dick Waterman DFC 320 Sqn RAF
Christine Wildman
Jackie A. Work

Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce
Home Hardware
K-W Surplus
Lancaster Support Club
Rolls-Royce Industries Canada Inc.
Shell Canada Products Ltd.

Wings of Silver ($10,000-$24,999)

In Loving Memory of Geoffrey Douglas Brown
Chris Bahr
Stephen Basco
Ron Berkowski and Christine Rodriques
Julie Brewer
Frank C. Buckley
Garry Comber
Dr. Owen Coons M.D.
In Loving Memory of Harvey J. Dale
William & Susan Dell
In Memory of F/O Frank Gibbons RCAF 428 Sqn
D. Craig & Cindy Gilmour
Alan J. Grant
Bill Gregg
F/O H. Hill, NAV Tour, 426 Sqn RCAF
Robert Johnson
J.A. Douglas Jones
Frederick K. Larkin
Al Ludford
Dr. Garnet McDiarmid
In Memory of Capt Thomas (Toast) McQueen 401 Sqn RCAF
Sandy McTaggart
Robert K. Moore
In Memory of P/O Fred W. Morris
Matthew Muzak, In Memory of Ed
Kirk Passmore
Marcus Pfeiffer
Greg Pritchard
LAC Don Pritlove 2424 AC & WU RCAF (Res.)
Cam & Marie Proctor
Don Prosje
Bert and June Reed
Albert C.R. Roffey, Elenita Dabu Roffey
F.O. Marvin E. Seale, 419 Moose Sqn
Bert Smalley
SMITH, Peter RCAC, Judith, Ian and Elaine
S/L Russell E.Steer 429/405 Sqn RCAF
In Memory of Harry Tope
Cpl F Topham, VC Fund Project, In honour of 1st Cdn. Para. BN. 2005
In Memory of F/Sgt Joseph West 300 Sqn RAF
Ray Whittemore
Tom and Valerie Wills
John Womersley
In Memory of Shirley M. Woods

Ancaster Old Mill & Hillcrest Catering
Austin Airways
Battle of Britain Memorial Flight
Bank of Montreal
Bank of Nova Scotia
Canadian Fighter Pilots Association
The Roger and Edith Davis Foundation
Dial One, Wolfdale Electric Ltd.
Eloquent Systems
Fairway Transport
The Bomber Harris Trust
IODE Canada
Peter Kiewet & Sons Ltd.
Landon Mechanical Inc.
Loomis Courier
V.K. Mason Construction Ltd.
McGeachy Charitable Foundation
The Murphy Foundation Inc.
National Steel Car Ltd.
RCAF (W.D.) Association
Reich & Petch, Design International
Royal Bank of Canada
SE Graphics Ltd.
Springer Aerospace Ltd.
Stephens and Rankin
Stoney Creek Fire, Heritage Association
Edith H. Turner Foundation
Union Gas Ltd.

Wings of Bronze ($5,000-$9,999)

Arnold A. Beale
Stewart E. Brickenden
In Memory of Wayne Brickenden
Lorne Brisbin
In Memory of W. Gordon Brownlow RCAF
In Memory of F/O F.M. Carter RCAF 622 Sqn RAF
Ronald C. Chaston, Royal Corps of Signals
Kornel and Joyce Chaykowski
Steven Cheshire
Jim and Jean Chow
Yves Christen, Angela and Othmar Christen
Murray Cornblum
W/O Bill R. Craig 424 Sqn & Patricia Craig
In Loving Memory of Fred E. Cross
Bruce Del Guidice
Fred Eaton
In Memory of F/L F. Ewer DFC RCAF
In Memory of Richard H. Fallon
Sgt John Feduck, In Memory of wife Lillian
In Memory of G/C David Goldberg DFC CD
Michael Gore
In Memory of John D. Gray
In Loving Memory of Bill Halvorson
Frederick John Hamlin
Mac Hancock
In Memory of Capt C.A. Healey
In Memory of John Hindmarsh
Ruth Hindmarsh
In memory of PO Henry Kaufman DFM RCAF Sqn 434 and Joyce Kaufman
In Memory of W/C Donald G. Laidler RCAF
Cpl L.W. (Bill) Lloyd R86399, Meteorology EAC RCAF
Dr. Walter D. MacLean
Peter D. McManus
F/O Russell J. McPherson RCAF
Rick Morrow
Shirley Parsons In Memory of F/Lt. Ward Parsons DFC
In Memory of Maj John H Prendergast CD2, 407, 408, 437 Sqn, RCAF/CAF
LCol Michael J Prendergast CD2
Kirby Rowe
Tom Rowe
June Shore
Doug Simmons
In Memory of Sgt Jan Slawek WWll RAF Pilot (Polish Forces)
In Memory of F/L Henry A. Sprague 401 Sqn RCAF
Anton "Tony" Stajrer, A.S. Security and Surveillance
Bruce Sully
In Memory of Ernest B. Sutherland
In Memory of Al Taylor DFC, Al Shannon and Reid Hutchison
To Honour F/S Fred Terry RAF and ACW Edna (Handy) Terry WAAF
Fred B. Ward CD RCAF
Cam Wardlaw
Kyle Wood
Rolf Yri

In Memory of the Crew of KB799, RCAF 419 Moose Sqn
Air Force Heritage
H.G. Bertram Foundation
BFT Inc.
Cavendish Investing Ltd.
Clearnet Mobile Works
Global Aerospace
Hagersville and District Lions Club
Jackman Foundation
The Martin Foundation Hamilton, ON
Powerflow Products Ltd.
Rockwell International Canada
Ross and McBride
Stackpole International
Old World Stone
Summit Restoration Ltd.

© Canadian Warplane Heritage 2025